Sunday, January 12, 2014

Save Earth Environment Web site

Save Env.html
<Body Bgcolor="violet" Alink="green " Vlink="blue"><h2>
<Marquee  Direction="Right"  Behavior="Alternate"  bgcolor="seagreen"><Font face="Book antiqua" color="plum">SAVE THE ENVIORNMENT, SAVE THE WORLD....</font></h2></Marquee>
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<Font Face="Monotype corsiva" Size="+2" Color="skyblue">SAVE THE ENVIORNMENT</Font>
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<A href="Causes.html" target="_blank" >EFFECTS OF POLLUTION</A><br>
<a href="Solution.html"  target="_blank" >PREVENTIVE SOLUTIONS</a><br>
<A href="Pollution watch.html"  target="_blank" >SUMMARY</a>


<title>causes of pollution</title>
<body Bgcolor="lavender">
<a name="Causes"><Font face="Monotype Corosiva" size="+1" color="indigo">
<Font color="green">1. AIR POLLUTION:</font>
   <p>The effects of air pollution are as follows:-</p>
<br>1.It increases the casees of Lung Cancer.<br>2.Diseases like Bronchitis,Emhysema And Cardiac Failure Are Observed.<p>
1.It disturbes the respiratory rates.<br>2.IT irrritates the respiratory epitalial causing Rhinitis and Coughing.
<p>c)CARBON MONOXIDE:<br>1.Increases the level of CO released from automobiles and industrial plants called giddiness and headache.<p>
a)The sewage polluted water can spread many epidermic diseases like Cholera,Typhoid.<br>
b)Floating oils in the sea depletes oxygen contempt killing sea-life.<br>
c)Drinking water becomes unpleasent due to presence of free chlorine,phenol,ammonia and hydrogen sulphide.</font>
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<title>Preventive Solutions</title>
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<Font Color="Darkteal " size="+2">PREVENTIVE SOLUTIONS</font><p>
<Font Face="Garamond" color="indigo" size="+1">1.AIR POLLUTION:<p>
a)To put a ban on the nuclear tests.<br>
b)To plant more trees instead of erecting the cement jungle.<br>
c)To utilise the waste products for the manufacture of commercially viable products.<br>
d)To discharge the gaseous waste through sufficiently tall and properly designed smoke-stackes.
a)Pollution by inorganic fertilisers can be avoided by the use of organic manures.<br>
b)The effluents from the industries should be properly treated and neutralised.<br>
c)Strict legislative measures should be inforced and strictly followed to control watwe pollution.<br>
d)Improved and proper method should be employed in handling the sewage before disposal in water.
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Pollution watch.html
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<a name="Summary.html">
<font face="garamond" color="orange">
<table border="5" width="500" height="250" Bordercolorlight="green" bordercolordark="marron">
<caption align="bottom"><font face="Verdena" color="orange" size="6"><b> POLLUTION  WATCH</font></caption>
<tr align="center">
<th>SPM mug/m<sup>3</sup>
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<tr align="center">
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