1) Creation of a Website.
Create a Website of 3 pages in which each web page is interlinked.Select appropriate theme
(like Hotel Profile, Company Profile etc.) and create web pages as follows.
The first page of the website has a background image related to the theme
q An introduction to the theme has highest level heading and 4 physical tags
q It has two hyperlinks. The color of the hyperlink should be other than default color.
The second page has
q An ordered list with 5 items.
q A link to an e-mail address.
q The second page should be connected to the first page through an image icon (image
hyperlink) and to the third page through text link.
The third page has a form generated with controls like text, radio button, textarea and
submit button. It connects to the home page through an image icon. The second page is
connected through a text link.
2) Creation of a Website with Frames and CSS.
Create a website using frames with given layout. Select
appropriate theme (College profile, Company Profile, and
Environment etc.) and create pages as follows
The webpage is divided into 3 frames left, right and bottom.
The left and right section have hyperlink. Each hyperlink
on clicking displays data in bottom frame of the web page.
The bottom most section changes the content dynamically. Create internal CSS for
hyperlinked files with three properties.
3) Hyperlinks on a Web Page using Client Side Image Mapping.
Create a webpage with an inserted image having jpeg or gif extension. Create 3 different
shapes which do not overlap. Note the co-ordinates making use of Ms-Paint. Each shape
should be mapped with a different URL of which two should be to the functional world wide
web and one URL should be linked to a local web page
4) Use of Audio and Animation on Web Pages.
Create a webpage that continuosly plays a background sound for specific number of
times without controls. This page must also contain an animated file where display
dimensions are 100 x 100 pixels. Make use of alternate text for animated file.
Create another webpage that plays a sound continuously with controls. The webpage
should contain animated image with display dimensions 100 X 100 pixels along with alternate
The audio files should be provided by the examier and need not be encoded or created by
students. Any Wave, MP3 or AU sound may be used.
5) Use of Video on Web Pages.
Create a webpage that plays a video infinite number of times with controls. The displayed
video should have dimensions 200X150 pixels. The video must begin playing on users
Create another webpage that plays a video without controls for some specific number of
times. The dimension of video file should be 150X200 pixels. The video should play when
the mouse is placed over the video area.
The video files should be provided by the examiner and need not be encoded or created by
students. Any AVI, MOV or MPEG file may be used.
6) Cross browser testing and differences in Rendering.
Create a web page using HTML code that contains at least four major differences related to
Marquee attributes, Light and Dark Border Colors of Tables, display of broken images* with its
attributes, display of a blink text, and background Sound. The differences must be clearly
distinguishable between the two Browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher and Mozilla 2
or higher
* Images that are not existing, missing or not available are called as broken images.
Get the handwritten HTML code checked and corrected from the examiner before using a
Create the Web Page without using any pre-existing Web Pages or code. Save the files and
execute the same on the two browsers. Observe the differences and note down the same of
the answer sheet.
7) Creation of Webpage in Devnagri Script (Marathi or Hindi) using UNICODE. Use MS Word with BarahalME or Arial Unicode or Mangal font and Save as html
Creation of webpage in Devnagri Script (Marathi or Hindi) using unicode.
Select a proper theme like India, Pollution and write five lines information. Use the MSWord
with Baraha IME or MS-Arial and Mangal font and save as HTML.
Create a website using frames with given layout. Select
appropriate theme (College profile, Company Profile, and
Environment etc.) and create pages as follows
The webpage is divided into 3 frames left, right and bottom.
The left and right section have hyperlink. Each hyperlink
on clicking displays data in bottom frame of the web page.
The bottom most section changes the content dynamically. Create internal/EMBEDDING/EXTERNAL CSS for
hyperlinked files with three properties.
9) Write an ASP.NET code to display Hit counter
Write code using ASP.NET that should display the total number of times the page is visited
by the user.
10) Write an ASP.NET code to display a export of Client IP address, Browser etc.
Display IP address of the remote host making the request
2. Display port number to which the request was sent
3. Display name and version of the server software that answers the request and runs the
4. Display browswer name and version.
5. Display server host name.
6. Protocol name making the request.
7. Display the path information of current file ...
11) Write an ASP.NET code to display Server Side Time along with client-side script to display Client Side Time.
Write code using ASP.NET and JavaScript/VBScript that would display server side time and
date as well as client side time and date on the same page.
The code should perform the following :
On basis of the date, the display must include the Weekday (i.e. Sunday, Monday etc.) as
well as the name of the display month i.e. (March, April etc.) in words for both client side as
well as server side.
12) Write an ASP.NET code to calculate the number of days a Person has lived on basis of the date of Birth/the number of days left before the next occurrence of select dates.
Write code using ASP.NET that requests the user to enter his/her date of birth in a text box.
After submitting this data, must display the total number of days the user has lived on the
basis of the date of Birth.
The page may contain proper instructions to the user regarding the manner in which the
date must be entered.
13)Write an ASP.NET code to display Number of Votes cast.
Write code using VB.NET that has a question to which a user is supposed to cast a vote.
There should be two buttons giving user two options Yes and No. The server should keep
a count of the Number of votes that have been received by each option. Whenever a user
views the page, he/ she should get an account of how many votes have already been cast
against the available options. The count of the number of votes that have been cast for
option should be absolute for any user who views the web page at the same time. It should
display number of times web page is visited.
14) Use of Event Driven Client Side JavaScript. With frames
Create a web page in HTML having a 4 FRAMES TOP, left,right and bottom frames.
by using JavaScript such that when the mouse is clicked on red,green or blue button in top frame
the color of the background of the left, right and bottom page should change r.
15) Use of JavaScript for Validation of Data / E-mail address.
Create a page in HTML that contains a text box and a button object. The textbox should be
used by users to enter their e-mail address. Use JavaScript to validate the e-mail address
entered. The following five points have to be noted.
Regarding the @ character.
n The E-mail address must contain the character @ and it shoud appear only once in the
n @ cannot appear in the beginning or end of the address.
Regarding the . (Dot) characters.
n The E-mail address must contain at least one . (Dot) character in the part of the address
after the @ character.
n The . (Dot) character cannot come immediately before or after the @ character.
n The . (Dot) character cannot appear in the beginning or end of the address.
If the e-mail address entered is invalid in any way, a message box showing the message Invalid
e-mail address ! Please Re-Enter should appear, the entered e-mail address should get
deleted and focus should be back on the text box to re-enter the same. If E-mail address is
valid and acceptable, then display Email address accepted.
A single validation button should be used to validate e-mail address.
16) Use of Event Driven Client Side JavaScript. Color animation
Create a web page in HTML having a white background and two Button Objects. Write code
by using JavaScript such that when the mouse is placed over the first button object without
clicking, the color of the background of the page should change after every few seconds.
There should at least be 7 different and visibly distinct background colors excluding the
default color. When the second button object is clicked, appropriate message should be
displayed in Browsers status bar.
Create another web page using Java Script where the background color changes automatically
after every few seconds. This event must be triggered automatically after the page gets
loaded in the browser. There should at least be 7 different and visibly distinct background
colors. When the page is unloaded, the appropriate alert message should be displayed.
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